
Monday, January 10, 2011

Jabbers Of Fun

Today the kids got a month pass to Jabbers. I am looking forward to taking them regularly to burn some energy. It's the perfect remedy for our winter restlessness. The kids and I were driving each other nuts being trapped inside all day. So we are venturing out across town this month to hit the most fun place in a kid's world.
Ready, Set, Go!!!
Ethan takes the lead!
This is the "I lost" face "But, it won't happen again"
In Kid Paradise!
"My OWN shopping cart!?"
Baby in tow and off they go! 
Not a bit surprised Ethan found the train table
Ethan's favorite part-The Slide
He can play for several hours solid
Playing in the tree house
True happiness!
Oh to be a kid again!
Cute Little Lady
Her favorite toy to plow down on!
In the kitchen, just like mommy
She'll take this please.... :)
We had such a great time today, we will be back again tomorrow...and the next day and the next day. As Ethan likes to call it "Grabbers" here we come!


  1. Your kids are so cute, Jill! We haven't been to Jabbers yet but we may end up seeing you there sometime I am suffering from cabin fever big time with all this cold weather! Looks like a really fun place!

  2. Thanks Jeni, it would be so fun to see you there! We should plan it and maybe have a little play date? I would love to see you there sometime! :)



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