
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Time. It never fails to slip away. All day long I try to "manage" my time. I try to get as much done in the time I have. Sometimes I want to go back in time for just a moment to re-live a memory or an emotion. Time gets the best of me sometimes. Other times I am really grateful that time goes by quickly, especially if I anxiously waiting for something. Anyways, you get the point. What I am getting at is that it has been 8 months since I have posted a blog. That's just crazy. I looked over my last blog titled "Change"  and I realize just how much has changed in those 8 little months.

First, I don't babysit anymore. I occasionally will help friends out and sometimes I get to see Lexi and Jayden when their regular babysitter can't watch them. I enjoy those moments because I grew to love these two precious children. Through trial and error I have learned a lot about myself. Some things were worth changing but without being tested I would have never known what it was that needed to be changed.

Second, McKenna has hair. How come no one ever told me she had a slight mullet? Looking back I see how much she has grown and changed. It has been a joy watching her personality blossom.

And lastly, we have made some big changes here in the Davis household. Andy no longer installs hardwood floors for Nampa Floors as he is now working construction for Earth Energy and working on getting his business Moose Creek Construction up and going with his brother Steve. Andy works out of town every week and comes home on the weekends so Steve has been left dealing with all the work. I am going to school at College of Western Idaho taking English and Algebra. I am working on my prerequisites for the Nursing program, but I have been praying about this decision to make sure it is what God has planned for me. Ethan started Pre-School in September when he turned FOUR! He loves going to school and goes on Tuesday and Thursday's. I have enjoyed going through this stage even though I predicted that I would be sad. It's actually one of my favorite stages seeing him learn new things and get excited about school. McKenna is our dashing 2 1/2 year old that keeps us on our toes all the time. She can talk sentence after sentence and even asks questions. Mostly when she is talking on her play phone. She is stubborn, strong willed, and difficult at times but every minute of it is worth it.

Now that I am mostly caught up, I will try to stay on top of things. It's great to be back in the world of blogging. Boy have I missed it!

Our Family. August 2011

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